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Music and Exile in a
Global Perspective

A symposium in
Reykjavík, Iceland

30 May 2023


10am - 11am

Exiled Musicians from the Third Reich and the Development of Music in Iceland

Árni Heimir Ingólfsson

Reykjavík, Iceland

11am - 11:30am

Lily E. Hirsch

California, United States

11:30am - 12pm

Albrecht Dümling

Berlin, Germany

12pm - 1:15pm

Lunch Time

1:15pm - 2:45pm

1:15pm - 1:45pm

Christina Richter-Ibáñez

Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Frankfurt

1:45pm - 2:15pm

Daniela Fugellie

Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile

2:15pm - 2:45pm

Coloniality, Music Studies, Migration, 1920–1960s

Tina Frühauf

Columbia University, NY

2:45pm - 3pm

Coffee break

3pm - 3:30pm

Exile as an Aftermath of Ideological Pressures in Slovak Music

Michal Ščepán

Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

3:30pm - 4pm

Leo Sirota’s Contributions to the Development of Japanese Classical Music: Performances, Education and Relationships with Japanese Music Circles

Kieko Kamitake

Tokyo University of the Arts

4pm - 4:30pm

"Art Creates Awareness": Estates of the Exilarte Center Vienna

Gerold Gruber and Josipa Bainac Hausknecht

Exilarte, Vienna

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